Colon Hydrotherapy
![]() Colon Hydrotherapy is a gentle cleansing of the colon that is the terminal part of the intestine.
This cleanse will eliminate accumulated feces and in turn reduce intestinal spasms, reduce inflammation of the wall, restore the altered bacterial flora and promote and restore normal colic movements. Each of these actions is useful for managing the most frequent intestinal ailments. Functional intestinal ailments We must consider that the symptoms related to the intestine which may be intestinal bloating, heaviness in the abdomen, abdominal pain, irregularity of evacuation whether it be constipation or diarrhea, do not always have one specific cause, and usually are treated in an instinctive and superficial manner. It is rarely possible to achieve positive results just by changing diet or taking medications or supplements that give temporary benefits. It is therefore necessary to modify the intestinal environment in a rational way, laying the foundations for a better assimilation of food and avoiding the alteration of the balance of bacterial flora present in the colon. Colon cleansing as a therapy Colon Hydrotherapy is an excellent tool for both therapeutic and diagnostic restoration of the colon to its physiological functions. The therapeutic effect is the elimination of any immediate stagnation in the colonic intestine section, stagnation that is apparently well tolerated by the body; In fact, there are individuals whose evacuations are reduced to one or two a week and do not seem to suffer from any ailment. In reality, the formation of hardened feces is nothing more than an adaptation that the colon puts into place to reduce the volume of stool that would otherwise obstruct the bowels to the point of blocking it. In addition, dehydration of the feces subtracts biologically convertible material from the bacterial flora in an attempt to reduce the formation of excessive gas in the processes of fermentation and putrefaction. So then: Why is it necessary to remove the feces that stagnates in the colon? Stagnant feces hinder normal bowel movements and delay the physiological replacement of fecal material that needs to happen in a reasonable time. It therefore concerns the removal of the hardened feces, managing to clean the upstream stretch of the colon, the cecum, where in a poorly functioning gut, dysbiosis sets in, which is the alteration of the normal bacterial flora, responsible for almost all symptoms listed above that are the basis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), commonly known as "colitis". For these reasons, Colon Hydrotherapy differs from a simple enema, which only cleans the last part of the colon, because we are able to perform an actual replacement of the altered bacterial flora, removing the toxic material located in the transverse colon and cecum. Colon Hydrotherapy as a diagnostic tool Colon Hydrotherapy can also be a valuable diagnostic tool. The doctor who performs the cleansing observes the behaviour of the intestine during treatment by evaluating the functionality of the colon and, indirectly, the whole digestive system. It is thus possible to decide on which therapeutic steps to take after the session of Colon Hydrotherapy such as changes in diet, changes in manner and habits of meals, the intake of supplements that enhances digestion, the possible use of herbal remedies such as depurative, digestive, carminative, laxative and bacterial flora balancers. Colon Hydrotherapy, a simple intestinal cleansing? From the above mentioned, it is clear that Colon Hydrotherapy is not a simple cleansing of the intestine but a procedure that, in experienced hands, becomes an opportunity to restore the colon to a new perspective that is not to be the source of ailments that affect the quality of life and that can become a possible cause of serious illness in the future. Do not think, however, that it is a painful or embarrassing procedure. For more information on the modality of the procedure and additional information please visit the following pages: Important!1) Colon Hydrotherapy (CHT) is a procedure that must be performed by appropriately trained health personnel
2) The therapy loses its significance if it is not preceded by a preliminary medical examination. The doctor must assess the information and the opportunity to enter CHT in a therapeutic program designed to solve or improve the clinical situation of the patient. 3) The nursing staff can perform the therapy on medical prescription only 4) The operator must have obtained specific training and experience, so that the therapy reaches its technical and therapeutic goals 5) The session of CHT includes three fundamental objectives: -to reach the cecum with water infusion -to completely eliminate the contents of the colon -to stimulate normal physiologic bowel movements In order to achieve the objectives described it’s not enough to have mastered a method, but a greater sensitivity is required to understand the progress of the therapy at all times. 6) The guarantee that the operator has the right expertise is provided by the professionalism demonstrated, being that only the doctor and the nurse are able to perform a CHT, and from the training received in schools of the proper scientific background. |
Who can you rely on to perform Colon Hydrotherapy?
Useful linksIf you wish to view a short video (5'14 ") on the therapy method click on the logo below |